Shafaq News/ The head of al-Fatah bloc, Hadi al-Ameri, expressed discontent with the return of whom he called "the platforms leaders" to Iraq in spite of their contribution to the insurgency of ISIS, calling on the Iraqi judiciary to commence legal action against them.

Al-Ameri is seemingly taking an aim toward Rafeh al-Issawi, a former Minister of Iraq who was acquitted by the Iraqi judiciary recently, and Ali Hatem Soleiman, a tribal figure who unleashed a sectarian campaign against the Shiite community. Both of them returned to Iraq recently after spending years in exile. 

"We are extremely surprised by the repatriation of the leaders of the platforms that enabled ISIS from controlling vast areas of Iraq and led to massive non-reparable human and material losses," the Secretary-General of the Badr Organization said on Saturday. 

"They returned as if nothing has happened. We would not accept, under any circumstances, any political compromise whose price is amnesty for those who were the cause of killing thousands of Iraqi young people," he said. 

Al-Ameri called on the Iraqi judiciary to bring them to justice and incriminate them for their Treachery, according to the statement.