Shafaq News / A prominent Iraqi faction backed by Iran, Harakat Hezbollah al- Nujaba, said on Thursday US forces in Iraq will face “deadly attacks."

“Despite the US pressure on Iraqi groups to end the resistance operations, we promise the United States of deadly strikes,” Akram al-Kaabi, the leader of the Movement said in a press conference in Tehran, the Iranian capital, after meetings with Iranian military officials.

 “We will take a crushing revenge for the assassination of Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani, the top commander of the elite Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, Al-Hashd leader, We will take revenge from all those involved and responsible for the assassination,” Kaabi said.

He continued, “Various groups of the resistance will participate in fighting until we achieve the Iraqis demand which is to withdraw all American soldiers from our land.”

“If the Americans refuse to withdraw within the deadline set by the Iraqi government, the resistance groups have a strong reason to resume their activities and will respond firmly. “He declared.

The United States has sanctioned Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba, a Pro-Iranian Shiite group, as well as its leader Akram Kaabi.

Active in Iraq and Syria, Nujaba, which is known by various names including the “The Movement of the Noble Ones,” is also loyal to Iran. Reuters reported in 2017 that it was helping Tehran create a supply route through Iraq to Damascus, and its leaders have publicly acknowledged Iran’s support.

Kaabi, the leader of the Movement is a cleric who was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury in 2008 for “threatening the peace and stability of Iraq.”