Shafaq News / A reliable political source revealed that a political initiative, sponsored by Tehran, will be launched soon to solve the differences between the Iraqi forces.

The source told Shafaq News agency that the visit of Iran's Vice President, Amir-Hussein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, will pave the way for a visit of an Iranian official responsible for the Iraqi-Iranian file, who will propose a political initiative to solve the differences between the Coordination Framework and the Sadrist movement.

Earlier today a source revealed to Shafaq News agency that Hashemi's visit has an unannounced aim, which is to urge the Shiite parties to unify their position.

The source noted that Hashemi's urged, during his meetings with senior Iraqi officials, the Shiite political forces to put all efforts and cooperate to form a new government.

"Hashemi's visit might be followed by more steps that aim to solve the differences between the Shiite parties, because it is of no one's interest to have one them as an opposition", the source said.

The Iranian officeholder had held a series of separate meetings with the Iraqi President Barham Salih, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, Cheif Justice Faiq Zeidan, and Parliament Speaker Mohammad al-Halboosi.