Shafaq News/ The head of al-Fatah bloc, Hadi al-Ameri, urged the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) to resolve the ongoing dispute as its reverberations has an impact on the country as a whole.

Al-Ameri's remarks came upon receiving the PUK leader, Bafel Talabani, and his accompanying delegation in the bloc's headquarters in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

A readout issued by the Shiite bloc said that the meeting discussed potential solutions to resolve the extant political deadlock in light with the constitutional framework and the customs upon which the political process stands.

Al-Ameri urged the two leading parties in the Kurdistan Region to find a common ground between them, highlighting the impact their dispute have on the entire country.

For his part, the PUK delegation laid emphasis on "unifying the political visions and continuing the dialogues to reach agreements that meet the aspirations of the Iraqi nation."

Iraqi parliament will hold a vote to determine who will succeed the incumbent President of the Republic, Barham Salih, on February 7th.

Endorsed by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Salih will be running for a second term in office.

However, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), who secured 31 seats in the recent parliamentary election-well ahead of the PUK's 18, has put forth the name of Hoshyar Zebari, a member of the KDP's Politburo and Iraq's former Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Talks between the PUK and KDP collapsed with the two leading Kurdish parties engaged in a strained war of words heated with reciprocal recriminations.

A few days after lifting their suspension following an order by Iraq's supreme court, the Parliament Speaker, Mohammad al-Halboosi, and his deputies convened earlier today to deliberate the procedures related to nominating and electing the next president.

A statement issued afterward said that the parliament presidium will announce a list of eligible candidates on January 31st.