Shafaq News / Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi headed today, Wednesday, a meeting of the Ministerial Council for National Security.

According to a statement by Al-Kadhimi’s office, he said "We have basic tasks which are to protecting and fortifying the state, through strengthening and rebuilding constitutional institutions, particularly the Iraqi army and our security apparatus."

"Iraq's special regional and international relations support the directive of protecting the state,.. last week, we witnessed qualitative Iraqi contact with its surroundings and the world, whether through official visits to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, or the continuous international delegations which visited Iraq to enhance cooperation."

On the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States, the PM said it will address political, economic, health, cultural and security files, in addition to the presence of the Global Coalition forces in Iraq.

Al-Kadhimi confirmed that about 60% of the Global Coalition forces left Iraq in the past months due to the significant development in the security forces capabilities and the reduction of the terrorism threat, explaining that "This will move Iraq forward to another stage when it does not need foreign fighters,” and the Coalition’s mission will be limited to training and advisory, logistical support and intelligence cooperation.”