Shafaq News / Gold prices in both the local and international markets held steady for the third consecutive day in the capital city of Baghdad and the regional capital, Erbil, in Kurdistan.

Shafaq News Agency's correspondent reported that wholesale gold prices on Al-Nahr Street in Baghdad remained unchanged this morning. The selling price for one mithqal of Iraqi dinar-caliber 21 gold coin, including Gulf, Turkish, and European varieties, stood at 416,000 dinars, with a buying price of 412,000 dinars. These prices remained consistent with those of the previous Sunday.

Our correspondent also noted that the selling price for one mithqal of Iraqi dinar-caliber 21 gold coin remained stable at 386,000 dinars, with a buying price of 382,000 dinars.

As for gold prices in jewelry stores, the selling price for a mithqal of dinar-caliber 21 Gulf gold coin ranged between 420,000 and 430,000 dinars. Meanwhile, the selling price for a mithqal of Iraqi dinar-caliber 21 gold coin ranged between 390,000 and 400,000 dinars.

In Erbil, gold prices also remained stable. The selling price for a mithqal of dinar-caliber 24 gold coin was 390,000 dinars, while caliber 22 was priced at 450,000 dinars, and caliber 21 was priced at 430,000 dinars. Caliber 18 gold coins were sold for 370,000 dinars.

It's worth noting that one mithqal equals five grams.