Shafaq News / Najaf Governor Majid Al-Waeli revealed on Tuesday the discovery of an oil well in Al-Rahban Oasis area within the Najaf Sea Basin.

In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, Al-Waeli shared that the discovery resulted from an exploration patch surveyed by an oil exploration company in collaboration with a team of foreign experts. This breakthrough positions Najaf as one of the governorates with a substantial oil reserve.

Al-Waeli, during discussions with his advisor for administrative units and energy affairs, highlighted various signs in the area, including vapors, airborne gases, increased soil temperatures, and the burning of orchards and green areas. These indicators strongly suggest the presence of an oil well in the region.

In response to the discovery, Al-Waeli directed the formation of a committee led by Abdulhussain Al-Shibli, the advisor for administrative units and energy affairs. The committee's primary responsibility is to maintain continuous communication with the Ministry of Oil and the Oil Exploration Company. This coordination aims to provide logistical support to the oil exploration team and relevant ministerial teams, expediting the necessary procedures for the oil field.

Al-Waeli emphasized that there will be direct communication with the Ministry of Oil to accelerate preparations for oil production. He expressed confidence that this discovery will serve as a comprehensive developmental and economic catalyst, significantly improving the living standards and economic outlook for the people of Najaf.