Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Transport asserted on Monday that the government is firmly committed to the Development Road project, stating that significant progress has been made in designing, soil surveys, and resolving logistical challenges.

Responding to recent reports that labeled the Development Road project as a mere media hype and questioned the government's seriousness in its implementation, Maytham Al-Safi, the Director of the Ministry of Transport's Media Office, issued a statement. He said, "We have completed the designs for the initial segment of the Development Road project following the economic feasibility study, and two companies have commenced soil surveys." Al-Safi also confirmed that the ministry would initiate construction as soon as the final designs are completed, following the established timelines.

In response to concerns suggesting that the project might lack economic viability, he added, "The project is not in conflict with any other country's initiatives, as has been reported. We firmly believe that our project will be the most suitable for facilitating transportation and connecting Asia and Europe."

Furthermore, Al-Safi emphasized that the Development Road would offer a seamless combination of sea and land transport, reducing costs, travel times, and offering significant advantages to exporters and importers. He stated, "The maritime route via the Al-Faw Port is the closest point for maritime shipments to Europe." Therefore, countries that export their goods aspire to utilize the Al-Faw Port as a vital gateway, making it an integral part of the Development Road.

He also highlighted the widespread interest in joining the Development Road project from neighboring and regional countries, which has been expressed through diplomatic channels and meetings between Iraq's Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muheibis Al-Saaawii, and counterparts from neighboring and regional governments.

Explaining the trajectory of the Development Road, Al-Safi noted that it originates from the Al-Faw Port in the Basra Governorate, traverses several Iraqi provinces, and incorporates industrial and tourism projects along its route. It then connects to the Turkish border through the Fishkhabour area, from where it extends into the European continent.