The Canadian military has laid disciplinary charges against Lieutenant-Colonel James Jonasson, Commander of the Role 2 Medical Treatment Facility in Iraq.

The charges relate to an alleged incident in October 2017 during pre-deployment training in Canada that was later reported in January 2018, the military stated in a news release. 

Lieutenant-Colonel Jonasson faces two charges, one charge of Ill-treatment of a subordinate under section 95 of the National Defence Act and one charge of drunkenness under section 97 of the National Defence Act. As in all service discipline cases, the subject of charges is presumed innocent until proven guilty, the Canadian Forces pointed out. The matter is now proceeding in accordance with the military justice system.

Upon receiving the allegations, Brigadier-General Andrew Jayne, Commander of Canada’s Joint Task Force – Iraq, immediately separated the complainant and Lieutenant-Colonel Jonasson and relocated him from Erbil to Kuwait pending the results of an investigation.

Jonasson is no longer commanding the Role 2 Medical Treatment Facility.

The deputy commanding officer has been acting as interim commander of the unit since January 2018 and will continue to do so until a replacement commanding officer is deployed to Iraq.

 “We hold Canadian Armed Forces personnel to a high standard of conduct when representing our country at home and abroad,” Lieutenant-General Stephen Bowes, Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command, said in a statement. “Upholding this standard at all times is essential to our operational effectiveness.”