Shafaq News / The United States has called on Iran to halt the transfer of "unprecedented quantities" of weapons to the Houthis (Ansarallah), allowing them to carry out "reckless attacks" on ships in the Red Sea and other locations.

Robert Wood, the Deputy U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, told the Security Council, "If the Security Council wants to make progress towards ending the civil war in Yemen, it must act collectively to demand that Iran cease its destabilizing role and inform Iran that it cannot hide behind the Houthis."

Wood added that there is ample evidence that Iran "provides advanced weapons, including ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, to the Houthis," which constitutes a violation of United Nations sanctions.

"To reaffirm the Council's concern about ongoing arms embargo violations, we must make further efforts to enhance sanctions implementation and deter violators," he continued.

Ansarallah (Houthis) are part of Tehran’s "Axis of Resistance", alongside Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq that includes Kata’ib Hezbollah and Harakat Al-Nujabaa, and other Iran-backed factions.

All groups within the Axis have declared that their attacks will persist until a ceasefire is achieved in the Gaza Strip, where Israel's actions have resulted in the deaths of over 35,000 Palestinians and injured over 78,000, predominantly children, and women.