Shafaq News/ Discontent and a sense of rebellion are palpable within the U.S. State Department, as employees express frustration over the Biden administration's approach to the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken acknowledged the emotional impact of the conflict on his staff, acknowledging the "waves of fear and fanaticism" it generated. Amid reports of planned disobedience within the ministry, Blinken sent a message to all employees, emphasizing the importance of supporting Israel's right to self-defense while respecting international humanitarian standards.

The discontent within the State Department has led to at least one official's resignation. Josh Paul, the director of congressional and public affairs at the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, stepped down in protest over Washington's continued lethal aid to Israel. The frustration comes as the Huffington Post reported dissatisfaction among State Department employees regarding U.S. policy on the Middle East conflict. Reports suggest a potential organized act of disobedience within the department, highlighting internal dissent over the administration's handling of the crisis