Shafaq news/ Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly told Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban that he couldn’t have joined neighbors Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates in normalizing ties with Israel because doing so would get him “killed by Iran, Qatar and my own people.”

Saban related the story of his meeting with the crown prince at an online campaign event on Wednesday called “Israel’s Security and Prosperity in a Biden White House,” sponsored by Florida for Joe Biden and Kamela Harris.

The Israeli newspaper HAARETZ did not reveal neither the date of the meeting nor the event that brought Saban and bin Salman together.

A report published by the Institute for Middle East Studies on October 2 indicated that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is hesitant to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel because this may “cost him a lot.”

The report stated that one of the main reasons that prevented him from normalizing is that his father, King Salman, is committed to achieving a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace based on the Arab Peace Initiative launched by Riyadh in 2002.

The second reason is the presence of radical fundamentalist elements in the Saudi religious establishment, and these elements have power within a Saudi society.

The agreement of the UAE and Bahrain with Israel comes decades after Israel signed peace agreements with two other Arab countries, Egypt, through Camp David, in 1979, and Jordan, through Wadi Araba, in 1994.