Shafaq News/ On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a decisive measure as he ordered the removal of all heads of military recruitment centers nationwide due to mounting corruption concerns. This resolute move comes as Ukraine grapples with the formidable challenge of countering Russia's ongoing invasion and seeks closer integration with the European Union.

President Zelensky revealed that a comprehensive assessment of military conscription centers exposed a disturbing pattern of misconduct, ranging from illicit financial gain to illicitly facilitating the movement of qualified individuals across borders, violating wartime prohibitions.

In a resolute statement, President Zelensky emphasized the urgent need for a restructured system led by individuals well-versed in the realities of war and committed to safeguarding the integrity of the recruitment process. "This system must be overseen by individuals who possess a profound understanding of the gravity of war and comprehend why any attempts at manipulation and bribery during times of conflict amount to nothing short of treason," declared President Zelensky.

The Ukrainian government has placed the fight against corruption at the forefront of its agenda as it confronts the ongoing aggression by Russia while simultaneously pursuing closer ties with the European Union. The dismissal of military recruitment center heads underscores the administration's unwavering commitment to restoring transparency and accountability within its military apparatus.

President Zelensky entrusted the implementation of this pivotal decision to Valery Zaluzhny, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Furthermore, the Ukrainian Internal Security Service has been tasked with meticulously examining potential candidates for the vacant positions, ensuring that those selected adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.

Ukraine confronts multifaceted challenges in its military recruitment efforts, particularly as the conflict with Russia enters its eighteenth month. While the nation's armed forces demonstrate resilience on the frontlines, alleged financial impropriety and controversial recruitment practices underscore the ongoing battle against corruption within the military ranks.