Shafaq News / The Pentagon stated on Monday that the recent strikes in Iraq primarily targeted Iranian proxies and did not aim at official security forces.

A Pentagon spokesperson mentioned, "The Iraqi government is a valued partner to the US, working closely together in counterterrorism efforts in the region," emphasizing that "the US administration consistently communicates with Iraqis, always informing them that it reserves the right to respond to attacks against its forces stationed there."

The spokesperson added that "the response to the attack targeting US forces in northeastern Jordan has not yet been completed," and that his country understands that "Iran provides funding, equipment, and training to groups attacking American forces in the region."

"There are likely to be human casualties from the strikes carried out in Iraq and Syria, but the assessment is ongoing, and precise information about any Iranian casualties resulting from those strikes is not available."

Earlier today, the US State Department acknowledged that "the US did not notify Iraq before carrying out the strikes on the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and Iranian-backed factions in Akashat and Al-Qaim, west of al-Anbar governorate," and that "it informed the Iraqi side immediately after the execution."

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) had reported early last Saturday that "its forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria targeting sites of the Quds Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and armed groups affiliated with it."

According to the statement, "More than 125 precision-guided munitions were used in the airstrikes, targeting command and control headquarters, intelligence centers, missile depots, drones, ammunition, and logistical supply stores belonging to armed forces and the IRGC.)

Furthermore, the spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, confirmed, on Monday, that "the Iraqi government had already been notified before the airstrikes."

For its part, the Iraqi government spokesperson, Basim al-Awadi, denied "any prior coordination between Baghdad and Washington regarding the strikes carried out by US forces targeting sites of security forces in al-Anbar, west of the country," confirming "16 fatalities and 25 injuries as a result of that aggression."