Shafaq News/ On his first day in office, President-elect Joe Biden is expected to sign 17 executive actions some of which will reverse decisions made by his predecessor, President Trump.  

The executive actions will make changes to the U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic and try to ease some of the financial strain placed on Americans resulting from the pandemic. But other executive actions directly target and undo President Trump's actions on the environment, immigration, the U.S. census, and regulatory changes.  

The New President will end Trump's much-assailed ban on visitors from several majority-Muslim countries and halt construction of the wall that Trump ordered on the US-Mexico border to stem illegal immigration, the aides said.

He will also set a mask mandate on federal properties to stem the spread of Covid-19; restore protections of valuable nature reserves removed by Trump; and seek freezes on evictions and protection for millions behind on their mortgages due to the coronavirus pandemic.

He also plans to send a bill to Congress to revamp immigration policies and give millions of undocumented migrants living inside the country a path to citizenship that the Trump administration denied.

Biden's staff said he wanted “To hit the ground running given the deep health and economic challenges facing the country.”

Biden "will take action -- not just to reverse the gravest damages of the Trump administration -- but also to start moving our country forward," the aides said in a statement.

"These actions are bold, begin the work of following through on President-elect Biden's promises to the American people, and, importantly, fall within the constitutional role for the president."

Other actions by the new president will require a government-wide, proactive equality effort for minority groups, in hiring, contracting, and service. 

Source: AFP + CBS News