Shafaq news/ Friday’s earthquake in the Aegean Sea was the deadliest to hit Turkey in nearly a decade, with 105 people killed in Izmir according to Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD)

The quake injured 1,027 people, with 144 still receiving treatment in Izmir, AFAD said.

 More than 3,500 tents and 13,000 beds are being used for temporary shelters in Turkey, the agency added.

Istanbul-based Kandilli Institute said Friday’s quake had a magnitude of 6.6. There have been 1,508 aftershocks, AFAD said.

Turkey is crossed by fault lines and is prone to earthquakes. More than 500 people were killed in a 2011 quake in the eastern city of Van, while another in January this year killed 41 people in the eastern province of Elazig.

In 1999, two powerful quakes killed 18,000 people in northwestern Turkey. AFAD said Friday’s earthquake had a magnitude of 6.6, with some 1,400 aftershocks.