Shafaq News/ The Malaysian Minister of Communications, Fahmi Fadzil, explained the Malaysian government's recent decision to promptly prohibit the entry of Israeli ships and vessels displaying the Israeli flag into the country's ports.

Fadzil, as reported by the Malaysian News Agency, emphasized that this move signifies Malaysia's outright refusal to acknowledge the existence of Israel.

In his statements, he clarified, "Malaysia did not cooperate in any way with Israel, especially in the economic field." He underscored that this decision aligns with the nation's longstanding policy towards Israel.

The minister pointed out, "The government’s decision to immediately cancel the decisions made by the previous government, in 2002 and 2005, regarding allowing the Israeli shipping company ZIM to dock in Malaysian ports, is an embodiment of Malaysia’s strong commitment to solidarity with the struggle for the freedom of Palestine."

On Wednesday, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced the immediate prohibition of Israeli ships and vessels with the Israeli flag from entering Malaysian ports.

Anwar stated, "These restrictions are a public response to Israel's actions that ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law with its ongoing brutal massacres against Palestinians."