Shfaq News/ Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Meshal Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al-Sabah, issued a decree on Saturday naming Sheikh Sabah Al Khalid Al Hamad Al Mubarak Al Sabah as Crown Prince.

Sheikh Sabah's nomination marks the first time a Kuwaiti Crown Prince is named whose father never ruled as Emir.

The new Crown Prince was formerly the country's Prime Minister from 2019 to 2022. He resigned in 2022 after several years of a stand-off between his government and the elected National Assembly at the time.

Sheikh Sabah served as Kuwait's foreign minister from 2011 until 2019. Prior to that, he was Kuwait's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1995 until 1998 and the chief of national security from 1998 to 2006.

Normally, Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Mishal would need parliament to endorse his nominee for the Crown Prince, but he dissolved parliament and suspended parts of the country's constitution last month, blaming several opposition politicians for "interferences" amid disputes that have lasted for several years.

Earlier today, Kuwait's new government was sworn in following the appointment of Ahmad Abdullah Al Ahmad Al Sabah as Prime Minister.

The new government includes 13 ministers.

After the government took the oath of office, the Emir delivered a speech stating: "We are entering a new phase of diligent work and boundless dedication. We will continue on the path of reform that we have chosen, and we must reinforce the principles of justice, transparency, and openness."