Shafaq News/ The Jordanian Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti, denied claims about the detention or apprehension of Prince Hamza bin Al-Hussein.

According to the official Jordanian news agency, Petra, Huneiti said the Prince was asked to stop "movements and activities that are used to target" the security and stability of Jordan.

Al-Huneiti added that the move is part of joint comprehensive investigations undertaken by security agencies, and as a result of which Sharif Hassan bin Zaid, Basem Ibrahim Awadallah, and others have been arrested.

The army chief indicated that the investigations are ongoing, and their results will be announced with complete transparency and clarity.

He stressed that all the measures taken were carried out according to the law and after extensive investigations that prompted them. He also emphasized, "no one is above the law and that Jordan’s security and stability take precedence over any consideration."