Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Israeli F-35 jets conducted multiple strikes on an oil facility in Yemen, causing casualties.

Yemeni media reported that “Israeli F-35 fighter jets conducted attacks on the city of Hodeidah, targeting oil storage facilities in the port, resulting in injuries and deaths.”

These attacks follow a drone strike in Tel Aviv claimed by the Houthis, which resulted in one death and 4 injuries on Friday.

In this context, Israeli officials said, "There will be a response to this.”

Responding to the Israeli strikes, Muhammad Abdel Salam, the Houthis' top negotiator, said in a statement, “Israel’s brutal attacks on Yemen, targeting civilian facilities, oil tanks, and the Hodeidah power station, aim to exacerbate the suffering of Yemenis and pressure them to cease their support for Gaza. However, these acts of aggression will only strengthen the Yemeni people and their armed forces, fueling their determination to support Gaza. The Yemeni people, with God's help, are prepared to face these challenges and remain committed to the just cause of Palestine and the people of Gaza, seeking victory for their struggle against oppression."

Notably, the Houthis have repeatedly launched drones and missiles towards Israel and at Israeli-linked shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in a show of support for Palestinians amid Israel’s war on Gaza.

Iran asserted that Ansarallah (Houthi movement) makes independent decisions akin to other movements in the "Axis of Resistance," which includes Lebanon's Hezbollah, Iraqi factions, and others.

All groups within the Axis have declared that their attacks will persist until a ceasefire is achieved in the Gaza Strip, where Israel's actions have resulted in the deaths of over 39,424 Palestinians, predominantly children, women, and elderly.