Shafaq News/ Israel's "Arrow 2" defense system intercepted a missile outside Earth's atmosphere, marking the first-ever space battle in military history, as reported by "Le Figaro." The missile, launched by Houthis from Yemen, was neutralized at an altitude of approximately 100 kilometers beyond the Kármán line, which separates Earth's atmosphere from outer space.

The Israeli army released footage of the interception operation, although specific details were not disclosed. The intercepted missile, identified as the "Qadir," is a variant of the Iranian "Shahab" missile, fired from a distance of over 2,200 kilometers away from Israel.

Developed three decades ago following the 1991 Gulf War, the Arrow 2 is an advanced air defense system designed to intercept long-range missiles. Israel deployed the system 25 years ago, with several batteries in operation, capable of targeting ballistic missiles, even if they disintegrate into multiple warheads. Foreign reports indicate that the Arrow 2 system can intercept missiles at extremely high altitudes, reaching into outer space.

While the system had previously intercepted a missile in 2017, which turned out to be an S-200 surface-to-air air defense missile launched by Syria, Monday's interception marked the first operational use of the Arrow 2 system for its intended purpose. In this recent event, the Israeli defense system successfully countered the longest-traveled long-range missile in the world, showcasing its capability to engage threats beyond Earth's atmosphere.