Shafaq News / The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri, has declared their ambition to command seas and oceans outside the Gulf as part of shaping the new global order. These directives, he clarified, originate from the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Speaking at the fifth Policy-making Council meeting affiliated with the National Conference on New Maritime Opportunities and Threats, Admiral Tangsiri disclosed, "The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has instructed us to expand our influence from the Gulf to encompass other seas and oceans. Achieving this will yield benefits for future generations."I

He added, "Maritime sovereignty is a term that signifies dominance for whoever controls the sea."

Emphasizing the significance of the sea, Admiral Tangsiri underlined, "The equipment and resources available to the naval and aerospace forces are at the disposal of the naval forces. To exert substantial influence on shaping the emerging world order, we must establish control over the sea."

Earlier in August, IRGC reaffirmed its naval authority over the Gulf waters. Ali Reza Tangsiri, the IRGC's Navy Commander, noted that "US aircraft carriers and helicopters now adhere to Iranian regulations while passing through the Strait of Hormuz." He also mentioned the augmentation of speed for IRGC's fast boats from ninety to one hundred knots.