Shafaq News / The statement issued by Hezbollah on Friday refuted the claims made by the "Le Figaro" newspaper regarding the Operation Quds Flood.

The statement mentioned, "Hezbollah's media relations vehemently deny the allegations made by Le Figaro about the secrets of Operation Quds Flood. It considers the content as purely fictitious, aiming to undermine the complete trust between the resistance movements and their factions across the region. These claims lack any foundation and seek to shake the steadfast commitment, both publicly and practically, and the unequivocal belief in resisting the Zionist occupation. Hezbollah's Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech witnessed by millions, confirmed that Operation Quds Flood was a purely Palestinian operation in terms of planning, preparation, execution, timing, and objectives."

The statement continued, "Hezbollah had no prior knowledge of it. Therefore, all the information reported by Le Figaro is baseless and confirms the newspaper's complete bias towards the enemy. It reveals the lack of accuracy, professionalism, and ethical fallacies of many Western media outlets that have sided with the oppressor, murderer, and aggressor at the expense of truth, bare facts, and human values."

Earlier, Le Figaro claimed that Hezbollah's Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, was aware of the attack plan half an hour before its execution, citing testimonies from Hamas leaders in Jordan, Lebanon, and Qatar, as well as individuals close to the movement in Gaza.

These details emerge amidst controversy following statements by the Revolutionary Guard's spokesperson, Ramadan Sharif, asserting that Operation Quds Flood was an act of revenge for the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force.