Shafaq News / Today, Saturday, the Government Media Office in Gaza condemned the abandonment of Al-Shifa Medical Complex by international institutions, leaving it to "face death without intervention." The international community was held responsible for protecting the medical staff within all Gaza hospitals, especially within Al-Shifa complex.

The office called on the International Red Cross, the World Health Organization (WHO), MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières), the United Nations, and all international organizations to immediately and urgently intervene at Al-Shifa Medical Complex to protect it from the ongoing disaster it is facing.

The office placed the entire responsibility on the international community and all international institutions for the safety of medical teams, as well as the safety of all the wounded and displaced individuals in all hospitals, especially in Al-Shifa Medical Complex, who are awaiting deliberate targeting by the occupying forces.

Today, Gaza's health authorities announced the decision to dig a mass grave within the premises of Al-Shifa Medical Complex to bury 100 deceased individuals in the besieged complex, which is under continuous Israeli bombardment.

The Israeli army targeted several hospitals in Gaza yesterday, including Al-Shifa Complex, the Rantisi Specialized Children's Hospital, and the Indonesian Hospital.