Shafaq News/ A recent report from The Wall Street Journal has shed light on rising tensions between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid their differing stances on the Gaza conflict.

The war, which has resulted in the tragic loss of over 13,000 Palestinians, predominantly women and children, has exacerbated discord between the two leaders.

According to sources within the American administration, conversations between Biden and Netanyahu have grown increasingly strained, primarily due to Netanyahu’s resistance to extended ceasefire durations in Gaza.

US officials have voiced concerns over the mounting Palestinian casualties and Israel’s unfolding strategies for Gaza.

The Biden administration is grappling with persuading Netanyahu to curtail escalations in the conflict, especially as distressing images from Gaza continue to amplify. Washington, while traditionally a staunch supporter of Israel, is increasingly concerned about the potential domestic fallout from unqualified backing of Israel amid the escalating crisis.

Sources close to the matter revealed to WSJ, President Biden has directed his top aides to draft sanctions against Israeli settlers involved in violence within the occupied West Bank.

An internal document obtained by Politico outlines plans for visa restrictions and punitive measures against extremist Israeli settlers responsible for attacks and displacements of Palestinians in the West Bank.

The directive aims to exhibit support for Palestinian civilians while maintaining a firm stance on Israel’s ongoing military campaign in the Gaza Strip since October 7th.