Shafaq News/ A total of 100 bombs have targeted French airports since 18 October, stated the Deputy Minister for Transport, Clément Beaune.

He clarified that these threats did not all originate from the same individual. "We will file complaints every time; we will not let anything slide," Beaune commented on the LCI news station.

"We have received 100 alerts in French airports in total, slightly less in recent days due to our firm stance," he explained.

At Lyon station in Paris, an individual has been arrested and a legal procedure is underway, Beaune revealed, adding that there have also been a few attempted cyber attacks.

In addition to the bomb threats, the minister noted a near doubling in reports of abandoned luggage in stations and airports.

France has raised its counter-terror alert level to maximum following the murder of teacher Dominique Bernard in his Arras school on 13 October by a young man flagged for Islamist radicalisation.