Shafaq News / CNN correspondent Jumana Karadshah has unveiled compelling footage captured by security cameras, which may precipitate criminal investigations into members of ISIS.

The surveillance cameras, previously unseen, documented chilling scenes within a pediatric hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo back in 2013, when the hospital had metamorphosed into a den of terror. These visuals offer a stark glimpse into the routine brutality that characterized ISIS's reign.

Hundreds of Syrians found themselves confined within this makeshift prison, with many unable to ever share their stories. Nevertheless, a few, including some Western hostages, managed to escape and bear witness to the harrowing experiences they endured.

Didier François, a survivor, recounted, "We could hear the Syrian prisoners in the first places where we were detained in Aleppo Hospital. For instance, we could see some of them in the corridors, and we witnessed some individuals stained with their own blood."

In the pre-dawn hours of January 17th, heavily armed Dutch police descended upon the streets of Arkel village, conducting a raid that led to the apprehension of Ayham Al As, a man suspected of holding a prominent leadership position within ISIS in Syria. Al As, who vehemently denies the government's allegations, now faces a lifetime behind bars.

Sources indicate that Al As has a long history of extremism in Syria, initially assuming leadership roles within an Al-Qaeda-affiliated group before aligning with ISIS in later years.