Shafaq News/ A British government report detailing pressing risks to the nation's security focuses primarily on the threats of terrorism, cyber-attacks, and conflicts between other countries. The National Risk Register (NRR) report assesses the potential impact of these events on the UK's safety, security, and critical national systems.

While the report is aimed at first responders, experts, academics, and businesses operating critical national infrastructure (CNI), it emphasizes the importance of preparing for a range of scenarios by outlining "reasonable worst-case scenarios" for each risk.

Marco Limena, CEO of Board International, a Swiss business planning software vendor, suggests that while the report highlights threats, business leaders should not be paralyzed by them. Instead, he encourages organizations to build agility into their operations to navigate a continuously disruptive environment.

The report's portrayal of a world characterized by continuous disruption underscores the need for companies across all sectors to adapt and enhance their disaster planning efforts. However, many businesses are still unprepared for future challenges. Board International's "Global Planning Survey 2023" found that many organizations lack readiness for potential events such as another pandemic, ongoing supply chain disruptions, or persistently high-interest rates.

The survey, based on responses from decision-makers across multiple countries, indicates that most businesses have encountered difficulties despite attempts at planning transformation since 2020. However, there is a growing awareness of the importance of planning, with a substantial percentage of companies acknowledging the need for a more strategic approach and allocating increased budgets for planning transformation.