Shafaq News / During the opening of the Riyadh Summit between Gulf states and the ASEAN group on Friday, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman strongly denounced the deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza under any pretext or circumstances. In his inaugural address, the Crown Prince called for an immediate cessation of military operations against civilians and infrastructure in Gaza, expressing deep concern over the escalating violence that is exacting a toll on innocent lives.

"It pains us to witness the escalating violence in Gaza, where the innocent pay the price," Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman remarked. He emphasized the urgent need to create conditions conducive to stability, advocating for a lasting peace that guarantees the establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.

The situation in Gaza has rapidly deteriorated since Israel initiated aerial attacks on the region since October 7th.

In the ensuing days, Israeli forces have intensified their bombardment, resulting in the loss of nearly 4,000 Palestinian lives. Additionally, an enforced blockade has deepened the crisis, fueling anger and resentment among Palestinians in the West Bank.