Shafaq News / President Joe Biden announced, on Sunday, that his administration is doing everything possible to end the war in Gaza and secure the release of all hostages.

In a statement marking the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Biden said, "I still believe that a two-state solution is the only way to achieve lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis. I firmly believe that the three-phase ceasefire proposal Israel presented to Hamas is the best way to end the violence in Gaza and ultimately bring the war to an end."

Biden's remarks come amid stalled negotiations by mediators to end the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza, which has persisted for eight months. An Israeli official noted that Hamas' demands conflict with the framework of the US proposal, as reported by Axios.

The official stated that Hamas can only achieve a ceasefire through an agreement based on Biden's framework. He emphasized that the war cannot end until all captives, including those captured in the second phase comprising soldiers and men under fifty, are returned home.

Earlier on Sunday, Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas' political bureau, said that Hamas had shown significant flexibility in reaching an agreement to stop the war. He noted that their response to the latest ceasefire proposal aligned with the principles previously outlined by President Biden.

Last week, two Egyptian security sources revealed Hamas' conditions, stating that the movement seeks written guarantees from the United States for a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from all of Gaza in exchange for agreeing to the truce proposal disclosed by Biden over a week ago, according to Reuters.

Al Arabiya/Al Hadath sources indicated that Hamas demanded a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, while Israel insisted on withdrawing only from populated areas. Hamas called for a permanent ceasefire, whereas Israel proposed a conditional or time-limited truce.

Despite increasing international pressure for a ceasefire, reaching an agreement to halt the fighting remains elusive after more than eight months of conflict, which began in October and has resulted in over 37,844 deaths, mostly women and children.

Repeated attempts to broker a ceasefire since a one-week truce in November have failed, with Hamas insisting on a permanent end to the war and a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to reject ending the war without dismantling Hamas.