Shafaq News/ The Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoumi, condemned the international community's "shameful" silence regarding the ongoing crisis in the Gaza Strip, describing it as a stark example of double standards.

Speaking at the seventeenth meeting of the heads of the Shura and Representative Councils of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in Qatar, Al-Asoumi stressed the immense responsibility of Arab leaders to confront the unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

Al-Asoumi expressed unwavering support for the daily efforts made by Arab leaders to broker a ceasefire and deliver vital humanitarian aid to the beleaguered Gaza Strip. He praised the State of Qatar, under the leadership of Prince Tamim bin Hamad, for its "sincere efforts in promoting joint Gulf and Arab action across governmental and parliamentary spheres.”

Highlighting the significance of parliamentary diplomacy in today's world, Al-Asoumi underscored its supportive and complementary role to official diplomacy, particularly concerning pressing Arab issues, such as the Palestinian crisis.

Meanwhile, the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip continues to escalate, with Israel rejecting any calls for a ceasefire. The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip disclosed that the death toll has tragically surpassed 10,000 individuals. Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qudra revealed that 548 people were killed within the past 24 hours alone, bringing the total number of fatalities to 10,328, including 4,237 children and 2,716 women. The number of wounded individuals stands at 25,956, according to Palestinian media sources.