Shafaq News / Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper published the draft of the final communique of the 32nd Ordinary Arab League Summit, hosted by the city of Jeddah.

The draft encompasses more than 30 issues related to Arab world affairs, ranging from the Palestinian cause and the Syrian crisis to the Lebanese situation. It also addresses the Iranian file, environmental and cybersecurity issues, as well as economic and social matters.

The Arab League, in the summit's draft statement, emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the entire Arab nation, highlighting the Arab identity of occupied East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine and reaffirming the right of the State of Palestine to full sovereignty over all its occupied territories since 1967, including East Jerusalem. It also stressed the importance of activating the "Arab Peace Initiative."

Regarding the Lebanese situation, the statement urged Lebanese authorities to continue efforts to elect a president and form a government as quickly as possible, along with implementing economic reforms to overcome the prevailing crisis.

Regarding Syria, the draft communique underscored the commitment to maintaining Syria's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and stability. It called for intensified efforts to assist Syria in overcoming its crisis and alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people.

In relation to Sudan, the draft affirmed full solidarity in preserving Sudan's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. It rejected any interference in its internal affairs, considering the crisis an internal matter, and emphasized the preservation of its institutions.

Addressing developments in Libya, the draft reaffirmed the commitment to the unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Libya, rejecting all forms of external intervention and calling for de-escalation.

Concerning Yemen, the draft highlighted the commitment to the unity and sovereignty of the country, expressing support for the legitimate Yemeni government led by the Presidential Council headed by Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi and its role and support.

In support of Somalia, the statement called for supporting the efforts of the Somali government in its comprehensive war against terrorism, particularly against Al-Shabaab, with the aim of eliminating the group and commending the Somali National Army.

The draft communique also strongly reaffirmed the absolute sovereignty of the United Arab Emirates over its three islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa).

Regarding the Iranian file, the statement welcomed the agreement reached between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran in Beijing, which includes the resumption of diplomatic relations, reopening their respective embassies, and activating the security and economic cooperation agreement between the two countries.

As for Turkey, the draft statement condemned the incursion of Turkish forces into Iraqi territory, demanding the Turkish government to withdraw its forces unconditionally.

Regarding counterterrorism efforts, the draft condemned all forms of criminal operations carried out by terrorist organizations in Arab countries and worldwide. It called on Arab countries that have not ratified the Arab Convention on Combating Terrorism to do so.