Shafaq News/ Dozens of activists from the anti-war youth movement Dissenters protested on Monday near the Boeing aircraft manufacturing plant, disrupting traffic on roads leading to the St. Louis, Missouri factory. Approximately 75 people participated in the demonstration, demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and urging Congress and US President Joe Biden to halt arms sales to Israel.

Police were deployed to the protest site, where activists reported encountering threats from some Boeing employees who could not enter the factory premises. Despite tensions, the event transpired relatively peacefully.

The activists have a short list of demands: They want Congress and President Biden to call for an immediate ceasefire, as well as all arms sales to Israel to cease. On the ground in St. Charles, they're holding signs and yelling rally chants, such as "Boeing Boeing, what you say? How many kids have you killed today?"

"We are joining millions of people across the United States and around the world in demanding an end to Israel's brutal assault on Gaza and its decades-long occupation of Palestine," Ellie Tang, a member of the youth anti-war group Dissenters, said in a prepared statement. "We urge Congress and Biden to hear the calls of millions of us living in this country and push for a ceasefire. Until Congress blocks the bombs, we will."

Former Director of the New York Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber, emphasized that the United States was not a neutral mediator in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict but rather a party aligning with Israel.

American journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that Israeli authorities, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have rejected Washington's calls for a suspension of hostilities and a truce in any form within the Gaza Strip.