Shafaq News/ Approximately 4,000 Israeli soldiers have been disabled since the start of the war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, with projections indicating the possibility of this number reaching about 30,000, according to the Hebrew Walla news website.

The website reported that Israel is preparing for a significant influx of disabled soldiers, acknowledging 4,000 cases within the first 100 days of the conflict. It suggested that the nature and severity of injuries during this war were unprecedented for Israel.

Idan Kaliman, chairman of the Israel Defense Forces Organization for the Disables, highlighted the strain on rehabilitation efforts, stating the need to triple resources to address the sheer volume of wounded soldiers. Many have suffered severe conditions, including amputations, blindness, and paralysis.

Since the conflict's onset on October 7, the Israeli Army mobilized 360,000 reserve soldiers, with ground operations commencing on October 27.

As of Friday, 520 officers and soldiers have been reported killed, including 186 since the beginning of the ground war in Gaza.

In the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health reported 23,708 dead and 60,005 injured due to Israeli bombings since October 7.