Yazidi activist says that more than 120 children have died of thirst and about 60 elderly also died due to lack of drugs to treat their chronic disease.

He warned that thousands of thirsty people are trapped in the mountain and could face the same fate if not receive urgent aid or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” organization have not been expelled from the vicinity of the mountain.

According to reports, activists and followers, about 70 000 to 80 000 citizens of Sinjar including children, women and elders are living tragic conditions since three days after their displacement to the mountain to escape from ISIS terrorists who took control of the district on Sunday.

The Yezidi activist , Ali Sinjari said in an interview with "Shafaq News", that thousands of displaced children, women and men are living in tragic and catastrophic conditions after they took refuge to Sinjar mountain last Sunday to escape the oppression of ISIS gangs. "

He pointed out that an unknown fate awaits thousands of others who have been suffering for three days of severe thirst and hunger in the absence of any water sources to relay upon, because some water sources and springs are located in the foothills of the mountain and ISIS cars spread near them.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said, the number of people living in Sinjar area in the past was estimated at 308 thousand and with ISIS progress , many fled to Sinjar Mount.

The office said in a statement that "the exact number of displaced people on Sinjar Mount is unknown, But reports indicate that about 53 thousand to 50 thousand people have been displaced in nine locations and besieged by armed elements of the Islamic state organization."

"There are verified reports that children are dying from lack of water and other basic necessities among those trapped."

The statement said that 30 thousand others, mostly women and children were able to reach Dohuk province in Kurdistan Region and more is expected to come in the coming days.

The statement said that the Iraqi army is carrying out an assessment of a potential air dropping to humanitarian aid over the mountain.

The UN office said that the extremists of ISIS dominate the roads of Sinjar Mountain and they are attacking families on the roads leading to Sinjar town and Rabiah Syrian border crossing.

The office said that the information has not been independently verified, but is likely to be true.

An official source in Peshmerga on Tuesday dawn said that Peshmarga has regained control over large parts of Sinjar district, which fall under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” organization.

The President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani said that he ordered   Peshmerga forces to get out of defense position and begin to strike ISIS terrorists with all its power to regain lost territory over the past two days.

A Kurdish source told “Shafaq News", that "we were able to access Sinjar after violent clashes and killed dozens of ISIS elements as we confirm that   we will liberate the entire district within hours “.

Iraqi warplanes have launched air strikes in a row and violently and strike  targets in Sinjar and its outskirts killing dozens of ISIS elements as well as the destruction of their armed vehicles.

Kurdistan Region has sent additional reinforcements to the area and pledged to restore those areas amid fears of ISIS militants committing massacres against the remaining residents of those areas.