backed by Iraqi forces and heavily armed ISIS organization.

According to a report of "Foreign Policy" that” ISIS terrorists in recent weeks launched strikes on the military base repeatedly by heavy artillery and missiles, and implemented a coalition of US-led forces, since mid of 13 December in an air strike against ISIS sites.

Despite the fact that US forces did not suffer any injuries during these events, but violence increases the likelihood of American workers to be exposed to risks during roaming in all parts of Iraq, as part of the mission of the United States to expand its activities against ISIS, with a pledge of US President, Barack Obama that the task "will not involve the spread of US combat troops on foreign soil."

In reference to the risks that American military advisers might be exposed to, military officials confirmed that American soldiers are transported under cover of darkness in helicopters to “Ain al-Assad” base to keep the secret and renewable US air operations against ISIS on one hand, and to protect them from the fierce fighting that is taking place west of the capital Baghdad, on the other hand.

Under Obama's plan, to assist the Iraqi government in the training of military operations, it is expected that the number of US troops in Iraq to be increased from 2000 to about 3000 troops. And don’t deploy troops in Baghdad and the northern city of Erbil only, but also to be deployed in Anbar and training sites adjacent to the capital, especially in recent weeks.

These American soldiers are small compared to the force of the large number of American troops that arrived to more than 160 thousand troops in Iraq at the height of the war between 2003 and 2011.

But US military officials are aware that Iraq remains a "dangerous area to the neighboring countries," says the spokesman for US Central Command, Colonel Patrick Ryder, and adds, "We are aware of these risks, we are taking the appropriate measures to mitigate them."

While US commanders propose to expand the US military land-based activities, the activities of these forces will be only limited to provide advice to local leaders, and re-train elements of the Iraqi army.

US military activity is restricted in the headquarters of the military leaders or military training bases in four locations in the country.

These sites include "Ein al-Assad" in Anbar, the Sunni volatile province , which provided a foothold for ISIS in Iraq.

ISIS terrorists now control Fallujah city and Hit city. If Anbar fell, Baghdad will become at greater risk, because the militants can easily bring in more reinforcements and weapons from neighboring Syria to invade the capital and control it.

The United States and its allies have sought to address this threat through air strikes, and attack on the militants' positions in recent times around " Ein al-Assad " and other parts of Anbar.

The spokesman of Anbar Provincial Council, Suleiman al-Kubaisi said thar the Iraqi forces are fighting to restore the surrounding areas of Baghdadi  , a town located approximately 10 miles from the " Ein al-Assad."

He says that in the meantime, ISIS use those areas to launch artillery and rocket attacks on the base, where the Americans are stationed.

One of the elders of Albu Nimr tribe in Anbar, who is Sheikh Naim al-Qaood said that ISIS became close causing a threat to the base and the Iraqis who live close to it.

He called for additional air strikes and US operations for the defense of Anbar. He adds, "There is certainly more combat activity in this region more than it was before," he adds. "If the militants found the opportunity, they will attack the base."

However, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, Jessica Lewis Mac Wit, believes that ISIS focuses its efforts to prevent Iraqi forces from using the base to prevent it from taking more strategic areas in Anbar province.

ISIS is still battling to control Ramadi, another important city. As Iraqi forces are defending so far areas and other strategic locations, such as "Haditha Dam."

An official at the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) said that ISIS artillery and rocket attacks on Ein al-Assad base had been "very sporadic and ineffective," as US and Iraqi officials speaks that many of the shells landed outside the base.

ISIS is also trying to control the area around Taji, a region located to the north of Baghdad, where another group of American military advisers are stationed there.

Artillery and rocket attacks are common in Iraq. That pose a daily event during war between 2003 and 2011, where gunmen often targeted the US Embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone and military bases across the country.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey expects for ISIS to launch attacks on Baghdad in the fall.

Security officials say that in order to reduce risk, security is being strengthened at other training sites where US troops are stationed there with its allied forces.

Iraqi and security troops will be available in the training sites, which includes the north and south of the capital.

A large part of the Iraqi army has collapsed last June last, when the soldiers abandoned their positions during the progress of ISIS and some of the Iraqi forces fled to Anbar base in the fall when ISIS attacked those sites.