The long road passing through Hamrin Mountains ends at the barrier for Kurdish Peshmerga, which prevented on Saturday , the entry of displaced Arabs from Salahuddin and Anbar," according to Arab sources, but Kurdish sources say that Kurdistan received about 300 thousand displaced people from Mosul only.

Displaced people say that they fled because of fear of civil war that could erupt because of the random process of recruitment that takes place in the south due to the control of Sunni insurgents and militants in areas of Iraq.

Khansa Hassan, an employee at the University of Tikrit said in a telephone interview with "Shafaq News" that "she takes the road of Kirkuk on sunset   to access to Kurdistan to escape from entry of those militias to Tikrit and fighting militants of Daash."

She adds, "Civilians will be firewood, which will erupt."

The militants of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant "Daash" took control on large parts of Nineveh and Salahuddin, Diyala and before that in Anbar, followed by an audio recording of a spokesman of Daash organization  Abu Mohammed al-Andnani, who waved to enter Baghdad, Karbala and Najaf.

This matter has called the supreme religious Marjiyaa, Ali al-Sistani in Karbala to call last Friday Iraqis to take up arms and fight the terrorists in defense of their country , their people and their sanctuaries, and volunteer  to get involved in the security forces in the call described as a declaration of jihad.

As a result, actually thousands of Iraqis volunteered.

Sistani returned after two days from his fatwa and called Iraqi satellite channels to put the picture of Iraq’s map on top of their screens and   also called on citizens to stay away from any national or sectarian action that would harm the national unity.

Al-Sistani appealed in a statement all citizens, especially in mixed areas to have "the highest degree of restraint in these critical circumstances" .. He stressed the need "to work on what strength love and harmony among the various components."

He stressed that Iraq and its people are facing a big challenge and danger .. explaining that the terrorists do not target the control of some provinces such as Nineveh and Salahuddin only, but target also all provinces, as announced, particularly Baghdad, Karbala and Najaf and all Iraqis in all regions. He stressed that it is our responsibility to address them and fight them and do not belong to a component without the other or one party than the other.

Daash organization control on a large area of ​​land suddenly and forcing Iraqi army soldiers to escape has raised fears of Iran and the United States that helped in putting al-Maliki to power after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and toppling Saddam Hussein.

Oil prices raised because of fears that Iraq and the Levant organization would affect exports from Iraq, a member of OPEC.

Kirkuk province prevented the entry of the Arab population from Nineveh and Salahuddin without talking about the reasons.

Hamid al-Samarrai (Abu Mahmoud) government employee told “Shafaq News" that "thousands of people are standing at the entrance of Kirkuk hoping to enter."

It is unknown till now , the number of displaced in detail because of poor communications and uninterrupted online services and stop the activities of the organizations in the city and uninterrupted communication with the Displacement and Migration.

The rent prices rose in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah to the highest levels with the presence of a few vacant places.

Sunni insurgents are still imposing control over large parts of northern and western provinces.