Shafaq News/ A recent US airstrike in Iraq has brought renewed attention to the enduring threat posed by ISIS and the vital role of the Global Coalition forces in maintaining stability in the region.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the airstrike, executed by US Central Command (CENTCOM) in collaboration with Iraqi security forces in al-Anbar governorate, resulted in the deaths of 15 ISIS members. “This operation highlights the ongoing challenges posed by ISIS and the continued importance of the US-led Coalition's efforts in Iraq.”

“The strategic significance of the US presence in Iraq is further highlighted by the numerous attacks by Iran-backed factions against US forces in Iraq and Syria since 2020, which have necessitated the relocation of US troops to the Kurdistan Region.”

The report continued, “The evolving capabilities of Iraqi security forces, coupled with a shift in US strategy towards training and equipping local partners, suggest that the recent joint operation may signal a reliance on advisory and assistance missions. This development comes as Washington seeks to underscore the necessity of the Coalition's presence in Iraq, even amid calls for a US withdrawal.”

As the US approaches its upcoming elections, questions about its future role in Iraq and Syria are likely to arise. “A potential withdrawal could endanger Kurdish forces allied with the US in both Iraq and Syria, while also empowering Iran, ISIS, and other anti-Western forces to expand their influence in the region. Additionally, Turkiye's efforts to reconcile with the Syrian regime could align with Iran's interests, further consolidating Tehran's control over parts of Iraq and Syria, as per the report.