Shafaq News / Against a backdrop of longstanding tensions and unresolved issues between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region, President Nechirvan Barzani's recent visit to the Iraqi capital has sparked optimism and garnered widespread attention. The visit, marked by a series of high-level meetings and diplomatic engagements, comes at a crucial juncture as both sides seek to address complex challenges and foster greater cooperation.

President Barzani's arrival in Baghdad, preceded by mounting tensions and legal rulings from the Federal Court, signifies a concerted effort to confront and resolve key issues facing the Region. With the impending visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani to Washington, where discussions with the Biden administration are anticipated, the timing of President Barzani's visit takes on added significance.

Amid this backdrop, President Barzani wasted no time engaging in substantive discussions upon his arrival. His meetings with Prime Minister Al-Sudani, Iraqi President Abdu Latif Rashid and other key stakeholders highlighted a will to address critical issues such as employee salaries, local elections, and the allocation of resources, including oil revenues and the national budget.

In addition to these bilateral discussions, President Barzani's participation in broader forums, such as the Coordination Framework meeting for Shia parties and the State Administration Coalition, emphasizes the importance of multilateral dialogue in addressing complex political and administrative challenges.

Furthermore, President Barzani's diplomatic outreach to the American and French ambassadors underscores the Region's commitment to fostering positive relations with key international partners, thereby enhancing stability and prosperity.

"Top-notch start"

President Barzani remarked on Sunday that the salary agreement reached between the governments of Baghdad and Erbil is "highly positive" while affirming that the suspension of oil exports from Kurdistan has caused a $7 billion loss to Iraq's overall budget.

"Our discussions were generally focused on future relations between the Kurdistan Region and Baghdad, aiming to establish a mechanism to continue holding these meetings to discuss current issues and find solutions."

He continued, "The salary issue is fundamental for the Kurdistan Regional Government, and the agreement reached between the federal and Regional Prime Ministers is a very good start that we hope will continue."

President Barzani emphasized, "We also discussed the oil issue, and as the Kurdistan Region, we believe that oil exports should resume because this matter has caused significant harm to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. So far, the Iraqi budget has lost over seven billion dollars."

"Of course, this issue was discussed, but further delegations from the Regional Government are required to visit Baghdad and discuss this matter further. We hope to reach a solution."

Regarding the timing of the Region's elections, Nechirvan Barzani stated, "As President of the Kurdistan Region, it is my duty to set the date for the elections, and there is no change in this matter. This is, of course, a political matter, and all political forces must engage in discussions and reach consensus on this issue."

Positive indicators

"Nechirvan Barzani's visit to Baghdad carried many positive indicators, but the most crucial aspect is the implementation of the agreed-upon points," said Mohammed Zangana, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

"Nechirvan Barzani engaged with all political parties, even those seemingly at odds with the KDP such as Qais Al-Khazali and officials from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan."

He continued, "We await positive outcomes related to oil exports, the continuation of paying salaries to Kurdistan employees, and the inclusion of the Region's banks in the issue of localization, relying on a practical approach to distribute employees' salaries."

"This visit has proven that the Federal Court is merely an institution managed by parties seeking to exploit it to settle disputes akin to the Revolutionary Court during the era of the Ba'ath regime."

On his part, MP Adnan Burhan al-Juhayshi emphasizes that "understanding between the federal and Regional governments is necessary to resolve the issue of salaries, oil, and gas. During Nechirvan Barzani's visit, agreements will be reached with the Iraqi government to prevent leaving matters unresolved, similar to the Iraqi Parliament's presidency."

Al-Juhayshi stressed the importance of "all parties coming together with all their components within the framework of State Administration Coalition to resolve all outstanding issues to confront regional dangers that may cast their shadows over the country."

Relief in the Kurdistan street

"The timing of Nechirvan Barzani's visit to Baghdad is opportune amid an atmosphere of openness, understanding, and cooperation in Baghdad to address financial issues, which has created a sense of relief among the Kurdish populace, especially regarding the timely receipt of salaries," stated Kurdish politician and former deputy in the Kurdistan Parliament, Abdul Salam Barwari.

"The atmosphere of Nechirvan Barzani's meetings with the President, the Prime Minister of Iraq, and the State Administration Coalition's (SAC) leaders has been positive overall. We hope this trajectory marks the beginning of ending negative perceptions, especially as Nechirvan Barzani is a charismatic statesman accepted even by competitors."

He pointed out that "the guarantee against the recurrence of past negative situations lies in a shift in political mindset in Baghdad. The new Iraqi constitution establishes a federal state, and Baghdad's understanding of federalism will resolve all issues. This can be achieved through dialogue, and Nechirvan Barzani is the best person to manage it."

"The Best diplomatic man"

With his exceptional diplomatic skills, President Nechirvan Barzani plays a pivotal role in promoting peace, stability, and conflict in Iraq. His strategic interventions have been instrumental in easing tensions and fostering dialogue among various political factions within the Kurdistan Region.

On his part, political analyst and academic Haider Al-Barzanji stated that "Nechirvan Barzani is always keen to be in Baghdad. He is the most diplomatic and capable of interacting with political forces in Baghdad, and he has been a supporter of Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani's government from the beginning."

Al-Barzanji emphasized, "The crisis cannot be resolved by one visit. There is a structural flaw in the form of the relationship between Baghdad and the Regional government, and this needs genuine political will to resolve definitively in a manner that does not allow conflicts and disputes to arise every time a government is formed or a budget is discussed."

He believed that "Nechirvan Barzani's visit came as a result of the flexibility shown by the Iraqi Prime Minister towards this issue, which emphasizes the need to separate the issue of salaries for the Region's employees from political matters to safeguard the rights of Kurdish citizens."