Shafaq News / Although the advancement of technology -particularly media and communications technology- has provided many pivotal services to humanity, it has also become a cause of several mental and physical diseases and social problems.

Various games and applications on smartphones and computers have attracted children of all ages to this exciting and tempting world and made them vulnerable to psychological, health, social, and ethical risks.

Technological addiction

Psychologist Dr. Ahmed Al-Sarraji told Shafaq News agency that children's addiction to electronic devices, including programs and games, is almost the main concern of specialists monitoring children's mental and physical health.

"Technological modernity, which is strongly present in different societies, has become a field of science and urbanization while at the same time a field of backwardness and moral barbarism," he said.

"This topic is related to mothers and fathers, and their duty to monitor their children when using mobile and tablets, there are programs that harm the child's mental health. For example, the game (PUBG) provokes a high tendency of violence in children, and the application (Tik-Tok) is an example of moral vulgarity and social decline," he added.

Al-Sarraji continued, "These programs and games are destroying the society and are an obstacle to creating a generation of high morals. So, we advise parents to organize children's time and guide them to benefit from these games that develop children's mental capacity. Some games regulate the process of brain secretions involved in building the child's body and brain cells."

Serious diseases

For her part, Dr. Maha Al-Sagban, a pediatrician, told Shafaq News agency that the most important risks to children while using smartphones or iPads are physical and psychological, "the major physical risk factor is the extended sitting time, which leads to obesity, as well as staring at the devices for a long time which causes visual impairment."

"Most children are alone when using smartphones, which leads to slow learning, a lack of the tendency to mingle with others, and sometimes causes autism," she added.

Dr. Maha also warned, "Most children are so integrated into games and virtual conversations that they neglect the vital functions of the body, leading to intestinal disorders, constipation, and involuntary urination."

Buzy parents

Um Mariam, a mother of four, justifies allowing her children to use smart devices for a long time, with work, domestic obligations, and time constraints, "I am busy with housework as well as my work to support my family because my husband is unemployed. Also, I am afraid that my children will leave the house and make friends that I know nothing about, so I am forced into this reality."

Friend and e-teacher

Six-year-old Rusul said, "I do not have siblings, my parents are employees, and I have no one to spend my time with. So, I use the mobile for fun while following lessons with my teacher, miss Ritaj, who teaches us first-grade subjects before the beginning of the semester.