Shafaq News/ Iranian-backed military forces in Iraq have escalated their threats in recent days, aligning their rhetoric with two significant developments: the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian resistance in Gaza and increasing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, according to a report from the Jerusalem Post (JP).

The Iranian-backed forces have already carried out more than 100 attacks since October 7. These attacks were coordinated following the Hamas assault on Israel, aiming to provoke a regional war against Israel and the United States, JP reported.

"The Iraqi militias reduced attacks after a January incident that killed three U.S. service members in Jordan. It appears that Iran chose to reduce tensions between February and June. However, the Iraqi Resistance Coordination Council has now announced that all American interests in Iraq and elsewhere in the region will be targeted if the Zionist regime attacks Lebanon," JP quoted Iranian state news IRNA.

The key parts of the threat include claims that the Iraqi militias will increase the "scope and quality" of their attacks "if the threat of the Zionist regime against Lebanon turns into reality."

According to JP's report, this is part of a "growing chorus of Iranian regime activity designed to prevent a Hezbollah-Israel war. Iran doesn't want Hezbollah, a key proxy, defeated. Therefore, Iran wants Hezbollah to be able to continue attacking Israel daily and to deter Israel from launching significant strikes."

"Iran is prodding militias to increase threats to the U.S. in Iraq to see if the U.S. will pressure Israel not to strike harder at Hezbollah. Iran is pleased with its current game plan in the region, creating a long, slow war of attrition for Israel in Gaza and in Israel's north, where Hezbollah is waging a war inside Israel's border. Iran has essentially done to Israel what Israel tried to do in Syria with the 'campaign between the wars' against Iranian entrenchment over the last decade," JP argued.

If this situation persists, Iran could potentially claim a significant victory, JP suggested.

Elaborating on IRNA media statements, JP noted, "The Aqaba-Basra oil pipeline, which has cost Iraq a lot and has no economic benefit, may be the starting point for bringing Iraq into the evil plan that provides the ground for the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime." This specific reference underscores Iran's strategic interests in Iraq. Additionally, Iraqi militia leader Qais Khazali has issued threats against the U.S., with Iraqi militias recently claiming responsibility for a drone attack on Israel. According to IRNA, the umbrella group of Iraqi resistance factions announced a drone attack on the Israeli city of Eilat, purportedly in response to Israeli actions in Gaza.

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