Shafaq News/ When the Ukrainian-Russian war erupted and the global food crisis began to manifest itself, the Iraqi government announced it will release a subsidized "food basket" to assist citizens, particularly lower-income households, in coping with rising food prices. Almost a month later, it turned out to be nothing but wishful thoughts and empty promises.

Where is our food basket?

Abu Rahim, a 70-year-old ration distribution agent on Baghdad's al-Rusafa side, has grown bored of his neighbors' repeated questions about the food basket. To avoid unwanted encounters, Abu Rahim hung a sign that read, "neither the ration nor the food basket has arrived yet."

"The ration agent is the person who receives supplies from the Ministry of Trade and distributes them to the people of his region."

The Iraqi Ministry of Trade announced on July 21, 2021, that there are over 56,000 ration agents in the country, all of whom are overseen by the ministry and trade and financial control services.

"The majority of the Iraqi families, particularly lower-income households, are increasingly concerned due to the ever-rising food prices amid a lack of government action and the failure to pass the budget and food security bills," Abu Rahim told Shafaq News agency.

"Since the government announced the food security bill, all the beneficiaries in my jurisdiction have been continuously asking about it. Even families who used to sell their food rations in exchange for small amounts of money are now wondering when it will be distributed."

"The issue has become a source of distress to the helpless ration agents, who can do nothing but wait for Ministry of Trade instructions," Abu Rahim continued.

Food security

"Any alternatives to the general budget are a disregard for the people's needs," Um Mohammed, a 55-year-old teacher, said, "the issue of food security is a major global issue because of the exceptional circumstances that the region and the world are experiencing. However, we have not seen any seriousness from the relevant authorities in dealing with the crisis in Iraq."

"The introduction of bills that we have never seen before, such as the food security bill, may be a new outlet for wasting or draining public money. The only victim, as always, is the citizen," Um Mohammed added.

The General Budget

Meanwhile, Iraqi parties have suggested that the Food Security bill may circumvent the constitutionally based budget bill, noting "the government is attempting to complete its powers in public spending by pushing through the legislation."

"Under cover of day-to-day business, the caretaker government can spend 75% of the state's revenues, including the entire operational agreement. However, because it is unable to spend the investment portion of the budget, it is attempting to grant itself full spending powers through this law."

"It is difficult to judge a bill that has not yet been voted on and is still being considered and scrutinized in the Legal Committee and the Finance Committee to make some amendments," independent MP and Legal Committee chairman Mohammed Anoz told Shafaq News Agency.

Hosting ministers

"The law is still being debated, particularly on the strategic side, and should not replace the general budget law. Furthermore, the ministers of planning, finance, and trade have been hosted to discuss the bill's merits," Anoz added.

Emergency Security bill

"The current government does not have the authority to send the draft budget bill for this year, and amid the escalating global food crisis, the emergency food security bill is an attempt to reduce the damage to Iraqi markets, the product, and thus the citizen," legal expert Amir al-Daa'mi told Shafaq News agency.

"As a caretaker government, the current government has no choice but to cope with the food crisis."

"The media propaganda that accompanied the launch of the food security project stems from the ignorance of those who are opposed to the political or executive scene, as well as their ignorance of the merits and reasons for adopting such emergency bills," he said, emphasizing that the law to be adopted "has no harm, but it is a crucial phase that does not ruin or empty the budget law of its content."