Shafaq News/ Captain Razin Mohammed Al-Doski becomes the first Iraqi woman to pilot a plane for the national carrier, Iraqi Airways.

BNN shed light on this historic moment for Iraqi women considering her flight from Baghdad to Dubai "a significant personal achievement and a symbolic stride toward empowering women in the aviation industry."

"Captain Razin Mohammed Al-Doski etched her name into history, becoming the first Iraqi woman to captain a plane for the national carrier, Iraqi Airways. Her inaugural flight from Baghdad to Dubai not only marked a significant personal achievement but also symbolized a broader stride towards empowering women in the aviation industry, a field long dominated by men." BNN website reported.

The event, celebrated with a special ceremony at Baghdad International Airport, was attended by the Iraqi Minister of Transport, Razzaq Al-Saadawi, who lauded Captain Razin's ascent within the national carrier's ranks as a pivotal moment in the nation's journey towards gender inclusivity.

Captain Razin originated from the northern governorate of Duhok, "her journey to the cockpit began in 2014 while she was studying in Amman, Jordan. Joining Iraqi Airways in 2017, she mastered the controls of a Boeing B737-800, navigating not just the aircraft but also the challenges posed by a sector where female representation remains scant."

"Razin's passion for aviation, bolstered by the unwavering support of her spouse, also a pilot, and her family, propelled her through the ranks, culminating in her historic flight between Baghdad and Dubai. This achievement not only highlights her personal dedication and skill but also underscores the evolving landscape of opportunities for women in Iraq's workforce." BNN said.

BNN said that while her accomplishment is a testament to her prowess and determination, it also "reflects the broader efforts of Iraqi authorities to foster a more inclusive and diverse aviation sector. The commendation by the Iraqi Minister of Transport signals a governmental recognition of the importance of breaking gender barriers in traditionally male-dominated fields."

"Captain Razin's story is not just about the skies she traverses but also about the young women and aspiring pilots whose horizons she has expanded. Her success serves as a beacon, inspiring countless young Iraqi women to pursue their dreams, irrespective of societal stereotypes or constraints." BNN explained.

The report narrated Captain Razin trip in the world of aviation.

"Her journey from the classrooms in Amman to the skies over Baghdad and Dubai encapsulates a broader story of progress and hope for Iraqi women. As she pilots her Boeing aircraft to various global destinations, including the United States, Captain Razin not only carries passengers but also the aspirations of a generation. This milestone, celebrated on the tarmac of Baghdad International Airport, does not mark the culmination but rather the beginning of a new chapter in the quest for gender equality in Iraq's aviation sector and beyond."

"As the engines of Iraqi Airways' Boeing B737-800 roared to life under Captain Razin's command, a powerful message resounded far beyond the confines of the aircraft: barriers are meant to be broken, and the sky is no longer the limit for the women of Iraq. Captain Razin Mohammed Al-Doski's historic flight is a testament to the changing tides, a narrative of courage and inspiration, urging every young woman to dream big and soar even higher." The report concluded.