Shafaq News / Tarik was surprised to hear his grandson loudly calling out, “My aunt appeared on tv, and she looks so much like my mother.” He stood there staring at a woman’s face that was a replica of his twin daughters who died in a hospital in Baqubah.

Tarik Mohammed A’uweid, a retired teacher from the village of Al-Dojama in Al-Khalis district, told Shafaq News agency about the story of a woman whom he believes is his daughter, "In April 1981, I had two twin daughters who, due to their health condition, were transferred to the premature infants' section of the Baqubah hospital. After 21 days, one of them passed away, and I got her body to bury and the death certificate. Due to my association with the teachers' institute at the time, as well as the living and security conditions, I was unable to see my other daughter, who was still in the pre-term babies sections."

"10 days after the death of my first child, I visited the hospital to check on my second daughter’s health. As soon as I arrived, a hospital staff member informed me that my daughter had died and was buried. They did not provide any document or death certificate confirming that. At that time, there was a nurse from Khanaqin, and I received unconfirmed information that she stole my daughter and sold her in Kirkuk”, Tarik said.

Tarik refused to believe the death of his daughter and held on the hope of finding her one day, "According to the information that my daughter Huda gave, the woman went to Greece and then to Germany to sell her there but was exposed. 12-year-old Huda was put in an orphanage in Germany, and when she reached the age of 18, she became on her own. She is now 40 years old."

Huda’s appearance on the Al-Fallujah TV channel prompted Tarik to contact the channel and identify his daughter, who has been missing for 40 years. He confirmed that the Al-Fallujah TV channel continues to contact his daughter to conduct a DNA test, "We have submitted a formal request for a DNA test to prove that she is my daughter."

Tarik said that he had submitted an official request to the judiciary, which sent him to the Baqubah hospital to request a copy of the girl's death certificate. No such certificate was found in the hospital's files, "The DNA results are the key to the case, and no one can be charged without proving that the girl is related to me."