Shafaq News / A leader of the Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi (P.M.F.) in Al-Anbar revealed that many P.M.F. members were blackmailed, threatened, and abused by some candidates to force them to vote for them in the elections.

"The P.M.F. forces are under a lot of pressure, and we have previously called on Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, head of the P.M.F. Faleh al-Fayyad, and the concerned authorities to intervene, but no action has been taken so far," Awad al-Jughaifi, a leader in the Haditha district's P.M.F., told Shafaq News agency.

"P.M.F.'s leader in Al-Anbar, Ali al-Maliki, is weak and has not been able to do anything about it," he added, pointing, "Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi in the western regions is under great pressure to give up their electoral cards, and if they refuse, they get threatened with transfer or dismissal."

"A P.M.F. regiment refused to submit to the candidates' threats and was punished by being transferred to Al-Anbar's desert area after being stripped of machinery, weapons, and power supply," al-Jughaifi continued.

"The commander of the second dominant headquarters of western Al-Anbar's P.M.F. was also transferred after refusing to submit to one of the candidates," he said, adding, "The electoral cards of the P.M.F. members in the western regions have been completely withdrawn by candidates who claim to be from the Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi and subject to their instructions."

"One of the most prominent candidates, Ghada al-Shammari, from the list of the National Al-Akid Alliance led by the head of the P.M.F. Faleh al-Fayyad, is pressuring the regiments' commanders to withdraw the electoral cards, and is directing figures appointed in the western regions of Al-Anbar for this purpose," he pointed out.

Shafaq News agency tried to obtain a response from former M.P. Ghada al-Shammari, yet, all attempts failed.

Earlier, many tribes' elders in western Al-Anbar rejected what they called the "systematic blackmail" by some candidates to the Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi's members, "We have already stressed and continue to emphasize the importance of tribes' support for the security forces to perform their tasks in combating terrorism and maintaining security. So, we must emphasize protecting security institutions from political influences to keep them fully independent."

"We categorically reject the systematic blackmail by some candidates, to which P.M.F. members are subjected by forcing fighters to give up their and their families' electoral cards, under pressure and coercion from some candidates who claim to be acting per the guidance of the P.M.F.," the elders added.

They called on the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the concerned authorities, and the head of the Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi to "stop these acts and put an end to the candidates' who threatened to dismiss, replace, or cut the salary of P.M.F. members. We have evidence of these abuses, which require investigation to hold those responsible accountable."

For his part, Nasrat Iyad, director of the Al-Anbar Office of the Electoral Commission, said, " We have not received any complaints about this matter, neither from a citizen, from a P.M.F. member, nor anyone else. If we receive such information, we will address the High Commission, and there will certainly be a position in the event of any situation contrary to the instructions."

"This is a confiscation of the voters' will, and if any complaint is received, our reviewers will be addressed to take action," Iyad added.