Shafaq News / The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Kurdistan Region expressed concern on Saturday about the fatwa issued by the Supreme Council for Fatwa in the region, which considers a person who dies of new Corona virus is "a martyr".

The director of public relations at the ministry, Mariwan Al-Naqshbandi, said in a statement to the Voice of America radio station, the Kurdish Language Department, today that "considering anyone who dies with   Corona virus is a martyr is a cause for concern ... and also unacceptable because of the possible wrong interpretations among people."

He added, "God is the one who grants the degree of martyrdom, and the Fatwa Council has no right to determine who goes to Paradise and who goes to Hell.

The council had issued a fatwa a few days ago, in which a person who died after being infected with the virus was considered a "martyr".