17-10-2019 12:48

Shafaq News/ Sulaimaniyah province police confirmed on Thursday that the journalist "Amanj Babani" has committed suicide.

Sulaimaniyah police Chief Brigadier General , Aso Sheikh Taha said in a press conference held today, that according to the report of forensic medicine, investigations and forensic evidence, "Babani" has committed suicide.

He added that according to the medical report, "Babani" shot himself in the head from close distance to 2-3 cm, adding that shooting from this closeness leaves a trace in the head-like star with the black wound in addition to the existence of gunpowder.

Sheikh Taha pointed out that the gunpowder was present at the hands of "Babani", stressing that the car did not expose to shootings from outside, and was the weapon was found inside the wheel with bullets.

He confirmed that Babani had fired six bullets at his wife and son and fired the seventh at himself, noting that the front and rear windshields of the wheel they were traveling in were broken due to a collision spiraling out of control after the incident.

Brigadier General Sheikh Taha added that three witnesses to the incident had testified to the security authorities that the wheel had not been shot from outside.

"We will not talk about the causes of the accident and we leave this to the judiciary and the press to investigate the facts, although we have full information about the details and the reasons for the incident," he said.

At the conference, police showed "Babani" wheel in which he carried out the suicide, as well as the weapon he used to kill his wife, son and himself.