Shafaq News / political blocs and officials condemn Erbil’s attack.

Secretary-general of the Islamic Dawa Party Nouri Al-Maliki condemned what it called "gangs of illegal weapons" for challenging the state authority.

Al-Maliki said in a statement after receiving the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert that "the escalation in attacks in Iraq is a reflection of the international and regional conflict, and the last one in Erbil add complicate the situation since it found an outright dispute over the presence of US forces. "

For its part, a statement of the Iraqi forces alliance led by Muhammad al-Halbousi said that” these groups are working to threaten the life of the Iraqi citizen wherever they are.”

The alliance added, "The issue of some factions and armed groups are imposing their decisions represents a serious challenge that may lead, if the government does not take any decisive step to to lose the state prestige."

In the same context, the President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, described the perpetrators as “enemies of all Iraq," calling on the Peshmerga and security forces, including the PMF, to confront any act of sabotage.

According to the Kurdish interior ministry, "At 8:30 pm (Yesterday), six rockets were launched towards Erbil International Airport. Fortunately, no damage was caused", adding, "The rockets were fired on a pick-up truck at the Bartella border between the villages of Sheikh Amir and Tarjila, which are under the control of PMF".