Shafaq News / The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Masrour Barzani, issued a statement on Monday marking the 32nd   anniversary of the shelling Halabja city with chemical weapons.

Barzani said in the statement received by Shafaq News, "Today we are passing the 32nd anniversary of the shelling and the massacre that was committed in Halabja city, which was part of the policy of genocide against the people of Kurdistan."

He added that "this crime is still a deep wound in the history of the people of Kurdistan and a form of injustice and persecution towards our nation."

Barzani pointed out that "KRG, which is the result of the blood of the martyrs and the heroic resistance of our people, is doing its best to provide the best services to the families of the martyrs and Anfal."

Barzani stressed by saying, "Let us make this tragic occasion a motivating incentive to work together, end tragedies and face difficult challenges and situations."

The former Iraqi regime bombed Halabja city with chemical weapons on March 16, 1988, killing 5000 people and injuring 10,000 others within minutes, most of them children and women.