Shafaq News/ Eyewitnesses in Sulaymaniyah on Thursday said that a Turkish drone has struck a village in Sulaymaniyah's district of Chemchemal.

The eyewitnesses told Shafaq News Agency that the drone, which they believe was Turkish, targeted a headquarters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the village of Janarto in the Aghjlar subdistrict at noon today.

They added that this is the second strike on Aghjlar subdistrict in less than 24 hours.

Hymen Bahjat, director of Aghjlar subdistrict, confirmed to Shafaq News Agency that "at exactly 2:00 PM today, a drone struck the village of Janarto in the Aghjlar subdistrict."

He added that "the extent of the damage has not yet been determined due to the presence of the drone in the sky above the village."